Professor and Chair
University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley
Brownsville, Texas, United States
Dr. Nair has a PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology, and is Professor and Chair of the Department of Health and Biomedical Sciences in the College of Health professions at UTRGV. The programs under her supervision are BS in Biomedical Sciences (BMED), Bachelor’s in Applied Technology-Health Services Technology (BAT-HST), BS in Medical Lab Sciences (MLS) (accredited), BS in Nutritional Sciences, Master’s in Dietetics (accredited), and Master’s in Health Sciences (MSHS) with 5 different concentrations. She has taught over 15 different courses in biomedical/ biological sciences as an educator at UTRGV and guided students through various pathways in biomedical and health careers. She has an established a laboratory investigating the cellular, molecular, and genetic mechanisms underlying obesity and diabetes at the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV). She been at UTRGV for eighteen years and has served as PI/Co-PI of NIH, HHMI and NSF grants to support undergraduate and graduate research and excellence in equitable and inclusive education in the STEM and Biomedical Sciences, and transition to graduate/medical schools, and thus, has extensive experience in mentoring undergraduates/graduate underrepresented minority students in STEM and Biomedical Sciences and faculty development. She has mentored over 5 graduates and over 50 undergraduates at UTB/TSC and UTRGV, of which the majority are currently in graduate programs in biomedical sciences or health professions. Several of her former students have already obtained their MDs or PhDs or PA/PT/other health professional degrees/licenses and are fully employed currently. Prior to joining UTB/TSC, she was employed at the National Institute of Health (NIH), Verigen, Inc., and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine as a scientist. She obtained her Ph.D at the State University of New York at Buffalo, after completing her BS in Zoology (Minors in Botany and Chemistry) and MS in Marine Biology in India.
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Thursday, November 7, 2024
2:45 PM – 3:15 PM East Coast USA Time