P5 - Inclusive Chemistry: Incorporating Cultural Fluency and an Ecological Approach to Healthcare into an Introductory Health Sciences Chemistry Laboratory Using Case Studies
Professor St. Catherine University Cannon Falls, Minnesota, United States
Program Abstract: An ecological approach to health and cultural fluency were incorporated into a chemistry for health sciences laboratory using case studies for both a traditional population (in-person) and an adult-learner population (hybrid). Relevant chemistry content was woven through real-world healthcare scenarios with outcomes that vary depending on the position of the patient and based on observation, data collection, and analysis. Cultural fluency, navigating and respecting culture while demonstrating respect, empathy, and adaptability, was a design principal for case study development. A second case study design focus was an ecological approach to health, recognizing the conditions and the multitude of socio-cultural environmental influences on health. The case studies incorporated critical reading and data evaluation, reinforcement of mathematical calculations and set chemistry in context. The pilot assessment data is encouraging with improved student engagement and comfort with mathematical calculations along with increased (20-24%) content questions answered correctly.