An Ecological Systems Theory Approach to Enhance STEM Identity Among Undergraduate Women at an HSI Engaged in a Mixed Level Pro-Social Community Service Experience
Type I: Individual Classroom/Project-Level Interventions
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM East Coast USA Time
P5 - Inclusive Chemistry: Incorporating Cultural Fluency and an Ecological Approach to Healthcare into an Introductory Health Sciences Chemistry Laboratory Using Case Studies
Type I: Individual Classroom/Project-Level Interventions
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM East Coast USA Time
P10 - Let's Talk it Out: How Enhanced Mathematics Instruction Can Transform Student Mathematics and Science Identities and Eliminate Cultural Barriers to Teaching and Learning
Type I: Individual Classroom/Project-Level Interventions
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM East Coast USA Time
P21 - U-RISE at Marquette: Supporting Underrepresented Student Entry into Biomedical-Related PhD Programs Using Research-Focused Professional Development and an Ecosystem of Mentoring
Primary Presenter: Angela Frey – Marquette University
Type I: Individual Classroom/Project-Level Interventions
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM East Coast USA Time
P22 - Using Writing to Enhance Student Outcomes in an Upper-Level Mathematics Course
Primary Presenter: Sarah Birdsong – University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Type I: Individual Classroom/Project-Level Interventions
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM East Coast USA Time
P23 - Virtual Immersive Simulations and In-Person Experiential Opportunity in Pharmacy Education for Secondary and Post-Secondary Students from Underrepresented Communities
P40 - Exploring Potential Benefits and Unintended Consequences of an Early Exposure to Computer Science (EECS) Sequence Offered to Participants in a Computer Science and Mathematics Focused S-STEM Project